
By 2023 we will be launching in Boston and Phoenix
San Diego
Check out all of the programs that we offer and see which appeals to you most
SAMi Roots
SAMi LABs seeks community leaders with a strong background or interest in community development to bring SAMi LABs to their area. With the support of SAMi LABs community leaders will contribute to the development of their communities in areas where they seek room for growth. They will also become part of our vibrant national network of leaders. We are currently seeking applicants from Boston and Arizona. Other regions are welcome as well! Please send us an email admin@samiglobal.org
*Applications end TBA
SAMi Roots
SAMi Roots is an all-in-one Sephardi and Mizrahi experience that takes you on heritage trips to Central Asian and Middle Eastern Countries such as Baku, Georgia, Israel, Morocco, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, and Uzbekistan. Learn from first-hand accounts about the history of your ancestors’ and your origins. Experience the art, culture, food, architecture, and religion that these ancient countries have to offer.
*Applications end TBA